Rebranding Les Nicole

Hi Everyone!
I haven’t been blogging for a while now, so I thought a little check in would be good. Lately I’ve been thinking about life in general and what I wanted to do with my life. And I know that I don’t really have much going on for me except projects that literally keep me sane. I’ve been goal searching for a while. And what I want to do that is set up these last four years of my years. I might not make the 30 under 30 list like I wanted to but going at my own pace is just as good enough. I know I have a lot of obstacles right now but just by knowing these obstacles I can find a way around them. I’m also truly sorry for things I’ve done in the past like emailing a person that didn’t care about me like I thought they did. But all is good now and I just want to be good or better version of myself.
Leslie Nicole