New Years Goals and New Merch

Hi Everyone!
I hope all of you are doing great and wonderful! And Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. If you haven't got a chance to check out my latest blog post An Open Letter to Christmas by A Grown Up, then please do. It's a light letter of destain for what it's like to be an adult during Christmas. Another thing I that I'd would like to say, even though it's cliche what are your New Year's Resolutions. Rather yet don't call them New Year Resolutions Call them Goals. (PSst)It's easier to say, they're more realistic, and easier to do. Try doing baby steps, like switching up habits in your daily routine that would turn normal. Example: What I've been doing this year is drink more water. It was very hard at first but I'd force myself to drink one cup in the morning and then after a couple of months I've been looking forward to drinking some water in the morning. :) See it's easy. And, yes sometimes I do forget to drink water in the morning so most important part of what I do is try to drink at least one-two cups in that day.
Here's an acrynonym:
E: Easy
A: Achievable
S: Stable Routine
Y: You can do it!
So I've only got one to five possible and achievable goals this year.
1. Drink a cup or two of water daily
2. Write and do art more
3. Work on breathing techniques
4. Listen to more music
5. Read favorite books
Comment below and tell me your 1-5 E.A.S.Y. goals for this new year.Another hack, is that you make quick and E.A.S.Y. goals that you'd be able to do and change in the span of 1-2 months of the new year .And also, remember progress and consistency makes perfect.
(On the side note): I designed a new logo brand called @chicawithablouse it would be available this New Years via instagram @lesnicoleblog.
Leslie Nicole